Friday, November 6, 2015

Parent Conferences Sign-Up

I always have a difficult time getting the paper sign up returned from students for Parent Conferences. Students forget to give them to their parents, parents toss them aside not realizing what it is, and who knows what else. Following the instructions of my wonderful ITF I used google forms with the add on of Choice Eliminator.

Choice Eliminator allowed me to have times listed for parent conferences and as a parent chose a time, it disappeared from the list. This made sure that parents had a specific time, they got to choose what worked best from the times that I had left and it was quickly organized in a spreadsheet for me.

I had one question that asked if they wanted to have a conference (yes or no), and I made this a required question.

The times were listed using the check box questions style, and I made it so it wasn't a required question (for the parents that didn't want a conference).

Monday, October 12, 2015

New year

   This is the start of my 9th year of teaching. How did that happen? I always forget all of the time that it takes to teach procedures and get students on a roll in the class. At the beginning of the year, i had a few new students to Gaston County. That means they don't know their lunch number to log into the computer. Ok, I got this. The next thing I know, two mores students come from out of state. More numbers to help students to learn. We finally get in a roll and a 4th new student from out of state arrives. Boy am I exhausted. The majority of my class didn't use their google log ins last year, so when they were working on their water cycle presentations, it was painful.
   Now that we are over a month into school, we are starting to get into the groove. Most students remember their username and password for the computer. Students are starting to remember their google logins. This is getting quicker and quicker.

1. write log in information on an index card for students and teach them a safe place to put it
2. Procedures, procedures, procedures (the more you practice, the more they remember)
3. Remember your current students are not where your class was last year when they left you. It was a process the year before too, but sometimes we don't remember that.

Friday, July 24, 2015

New Teacher Organizer and Calendar

     Keeping myself organized as a teacher has always been a challenge. Over the years I've downloaded different teacher binders and created sheets that I've needed. Last year I decided I wanted to create my own that I could adjust it however I would like.  I've tried to come up with as many different organizing sheets that would be helpful to teachers of all grade levels.

     The calendar that I created can be printed front to back with a two page monthly spread, or a two page monthly spread with weekly spreads in between. Depending on what you prefer, you can download what works best for you.

I keep all of my organizing pages as well as my calendar in my Arc notebook system from Staples. If you want to see how the system works, check out my post on it.

Click on the picture to see the organizer and calendar in the store. 

FREE yearly calendar updates and 2 cute designs to choose from. 


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Pinnacle Top 10

Today is the last day of Pinnacle training for Summer 2015. My Top 10 Takeaways are:

10. PBL and STEM stations were so much fun!
9. People Machine ~ Fun icebreaker and activity to think about how machines work.
8. Google moments ~ Extensions are my friend. Extensity helps keep them all organized and allows you to turn them on and off as needed.
7. AppMazing Race ~ Its fun being silly, while getting to know everyone and learning new apps.
6. Creating a game is challenging. So many things to think about and plan for.
5. Open Inquiry ~ Great way to introduce Genius Hour and help get ready for research projects later in the year.
4. Badges. Students and Adults will work for badges.
3. Gamification. Turning learning into a fun game
2. I discovered that I become very competitive with Mindcraft. I've never played Mindcraft before and it was SO. MUCH. FUN.
1. I love the FOOD!!!! The snacks and lunch were AMAZING. Felt so loved and gained a few pounds.

Monday, July 20, 2015

3-2-1 (Pinnacle Day 1)

3-2-1 ~ Pinnacle Day 1

3 Things you found out

1~ My summer brain was not ready to begin training in July. :)
2~ There are many different frameworks for education, and I'm learning more and more about them.
3~ There are tons of different technology tools available and not enough time to figure it all out. 

2 Interesting things

1~ I didn't know anything about the 4C's before today. Look them up and see what you think.
2~ I like the Snagit screen capture tool extention from google. Very helpful

1 question you still have

?Where do I start planning for this year? 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Classroom Tools

        One tool that I use is the ShowMe app for iPads, it is a free app and there is a way to create logins for each student (I haven't tried that yet). I've had my students just use them as white boards to work out problems in centers, show me their answers in large group settings and many other ways. One of my favorite is having students work out a problem and narrate how to solve it. This allows me to hear how students solve their work, as well as allows other students to hear how a peer solved it. I use this most often in Math, but I've also used it in Science. If you go back to my Ecosystems post, students used the app to take pictures of their Diorama, and narrate their presentation.
     One of the challenging standards in 5th grade is addressing the speaking part. So many of my students are nervous and don't like to talk in front of others. This tool has helped them get over being nervous and afraid and helped them feel confident in explaining their learning to others besides myself.
I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Human Body Systems ~ Paper Slide Video

   This month, my fifth graders have been studying the human body. We have gone through each of the systems, discussed the purpose and the organs involved. We also looked at how the systems are related to each other and how they work together.
   After going over all of the systems, I put my students into small groups and explained that they were going to create a paper slide video of they body system that their group was assigned. We started off by watching this youtube video on how to make a paper slide video.

After watching this video, we discussed what materials we would need, and what students would need to do before recording their video. I gave students time to work on their project each day until they were ready to record. Once students had their videos recorded, I put them into iMovie and then uploaded them to youtube. Here is our finished project.