Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What Does Teacher Leadership Mean to Me?

     When I first started teaching, I looked to all of the teachers on my grade level and on my hall way for assistance. I borrowed ideas, asked for help and shared ideas that I had as well. My grade level was crucial to my development as an educator. I can still look back and named all of the people that daily challenged me to always do what was best for my students and encouraged me to do more and more. 
     The past few years I've unknowingly worked myself into a leadership role for my school. If you would have seen me as a first year teacher, you would've never guessed it. My willingness to share awesome things that I'd discovered, led me into this role. I soon became a leader in my school and partnered with my love for technology. I was encouraged from by my administrator to join the Pinnacle group. 
     This year, I'm at a new school. My principal continues to push me to lead on my grade level and in the school. Thankfully, I've been welcomed with open arms and I continue to encourage other teachers to focus on students and do the best for them every day. 
     If it wasn't for teacher leaders in my schools that I've worked in, I wouldn't be where I am today. I probably would be completely burnt out. Don't get me wrong, I still get burnt out, but my fellow teachers continue to encourage me and challenge me to always find new ways and focus on the best for students.
    Teacher Leadership is a very important part of education. If we don't have teacher leaders, who will we follow? Who will challenge us? Who will encourage us? Where will we end up? Where will our students end up?