Sunday, August 4, 2013


I'm listening to my hubby play football on his PS3, this is a very normal occurrence in our home. He enjoys his games and I enjoy games on my ipad, surfing school ideas, blogging, or just wasting time online. 

I'm loving the weekend so far with my hubby and kids. We have been getting school supplies and clothes for the beginning of the school year. My kids will be in Kindergarten in the fall. I'm excited, nervous and many other things I can't explain.

I'm thinking of all of the things that I need to get done before my students arrive on August 26th. I have my list of things I need to do at home to have my kids ready. The list of things that I need to do in my room. Plus, a list of things that I need to make before school starts.

I want to go to bed right now, since it is 12:26am, but I can't turn my brain off.

I need to plan my twins 5th birthday party. The hard part is picking a date when family from Michigan are here and when family here has time off of work. 
1.  I can't wait to download my copy of the Teacher's Classroom Organizer
It will help me be super organized as well as go along with my Owls in my room. Did I mention there are Owls? 
2. My Sharpie chart markers are a must each year. I LOVE them. 

3. Organized classroom, I can't say enough about how important it is. I can't stand a cluttered classroom, I'm sure there will be at least one student in my room that will feel the same way. Even when I'm not in my room, I'm organizing in my mind. ;)

Head over to Farley's and link up!


  1. I LOVE your banner on the blog...ADORABLE!!! I am a super office supply nut & love Sharpie markers. I am lucky enough to have my classroom ready to go for my kiddos on Monday when the adventures begin. I am an organizing freak...
    Good luck this year, here's to another adventure.


    1. Thanks for visiting. I'm in love with my Owl theme. When I saw the template, I knew I had to have it. Have a great first day tomorrow.

  2. WOW, twins ... you are a strong woman. I have 3 kiddos and they keep me busy. I am like you ... up late & can't turn my brain off. I found this Linky Party and I am glad I joined in because I found your blog. Best wishes for an AMAZING school year!

    1. Thankfully, my twins are my first children, I don't know any other way of parenting. :) Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I agree - WOW twins! You are one busy lady! Good luck getting everything set up with your little helpers!

    I just found your blog through Farley and can't wait to follow along. LOVE your blog design! I teach a 3rd/4th combo class.

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

    1. Alison, thanks for stopping by. I love your blog. Last year I started off teaching a 4th/5th combo. I don't know how you do it. We ended up having so many more students than we expected, we divided to become full 4th and full 5th classes.

  4. I can definitely relate to that "can't turn my brain off" feeling! Ugh! It's the worst. I have to keep a notepad by my bed in August because I think of too much stuff when I'm trying to fall asleep! Enjoy your last few weeks of summer! :)

    EduKate and Inspire

    1. Kate, thanks for stopping by. Your nephew is ADORABLE!!!
